Monday, November 8, 2010

Twitter Marketing - How Not To Make Careless Mistakes

By Ethel Henry

Many online marketers are discovering how effective Twitter can be as a way to promote their products and services. The purpose of this article is to alert you to some common Twitter marketing mistakes so you can avoid them.

If you don't have a lot of experience marketing your products on Twitter you should take care not to send out purely promotional tweets too soon. Twitter is a wonderful and accepting community that allows people to meet and connect with each other through shared affection of specific topics and niches so you need to become a fully fledged member of your chosen community before you begin sending out a bunch of selling tweets. When people begin following you they are hoping that you will be sharing useful and/or entertaining information. If you don't do that but choose to, instead, send out masses of blatant promotional offers meant to get money, your followers will be turned off and you won't make any sales.The best approach on Twitter is to start out by sending out lots of free and useful targeted niche information to your followers and then, after a while, start slowly filtering in marketing messages when you know that the response to them will be good. Besides that, being a part of the Twitter community will itself benefit you in building a long term business through it. So take your time in getting your marketing message out there, especially in the beginning. Make a splash with your useful information first and then begin your promotional messages.

One other major mistake that people new to Twitter make is thinking that people will just start following them out of the blue and that they don't need to make any real effort to get them. Don't wait for followers to fall out of the sky; instead begin by putting out some effort so that people can find you and follow you. Does that seem confusing? It's really simple; you want a person to follow you, not just anybody, but someone who is actually into your niche.

Another mistake that Twitter marketers make is being too nice to their followers. Sure, you can expect to send them tons of daily tweets, but you still have to remain visible. You must send them a decent amount of allowable tweets so that you won't disappear among all of the other tweets that they get. But make sure that the quality of your tweets isn't suffering in the quest to go for the quantity. It is okay to send tweets every so often if they provide good information. Keep ahead of your competition by sending send good tweet after tweet to your followers. If it's good, it won't make them mad. Besides, they will be amused that you are sending active tweets.

You may want to have a large list of followers, but if you're just starting out, your first task is to post some quality tweets. You won't be able to find a lot of interest from other people as far as following is concerned when you have irrelevant tweets posted on your profile. A marketer who is targeting the fishing niche, for example, should be posting tweets that give away tips on fishing. This is a powerful way to dramatically increase the number of people following you. Once you have some informative tweets posted, these will be visible to your potential followers when they visit your page, and they will be glad to follow you. As you build up your following, you still want to be sure that you are providing them with helpful tweets so that they remain loyal to you and respond to your offers.

In conclusion: this article talks about some very common mistakes that people make that are easily avoided; the only reason people still make them is because they don't try to avoid them. A good marketer will keep his eyes open so that he doesn't get caught making easily avoidable mistakes like these.

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