Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Everyone Should Try Having A Past Regression

By John Paul Harding

As reincarnation gains ever more acceptance in our society, you may have been hearing about something called past life regression. This is exactly what the name implies; and it is something that a growing number of people are interested in. When we know more about our past lives, it gives us insight into our lives in the here and now.

If you would like to try past life regression, the best first step is to keep a journal of your past lives. This journal will be your workbook as you put together the pieces of your former lives. It can contain any of the thoughts and emotions which you see as being out of context in your present life as you know it; even the seemingly most trivial of things can actually be important clues. Your emotions are an especially strong indicator. If you have any fears which seem irrational to you or you are inexplicably drawn to certain places or things, these are likely to be very important details.

Your past lives journal can begin with a list of things which you like and those which you do not. These could include particular cuisines, cultures and places that you feel some sort of a bond with. Really, any details about what makes you the person you are is relevant and should be written down here. Talents, personality traits; anything which can help you make sense of your past lives and your present life belongs here and can help you to spot patterns indicative of a past life.

You should also write down any details from your dreams which seem relevant. As you do this though, remember that your dreams will also contain a lot of things which are drawn from your life in the present.

You could also try past life regression.

Often, this will mean a session with a professional past life regression therapist. These people are trained in using hypnosis to guide you through a regression experience and help you to understand the information you gain from the session. While many choose to go to a professional, self-hypnosis may also work for you.

Meditation is another technique which is used to learn about past lives.

For a lot of people, it is hard to induce a past life regression experience using meditation. We are often skeptical of what we receive during these experiences; but in order to make the most of your regression, you have to learn to trust your instincts and to listen to yourself.

If you are new to the practice, meditation may feel much like daydreaming; but the images and other information receives about past lives as you meditate can be accurate and valuable. You should write down everything about your experience in your past lives journal so you can compare this against the rest of your notes.

Those who have some difficulty meditating often find aids including visual focal points, incense or relaxing music or sounds to be helpful. There are guided meditation tapes you can try as well as recordings of relaxing natural soundscapes.

Binaural beats are something else you can try.

Binaural beats are an audio technology which uses certain frequencies to attune your brainwaves to achieve a deep state of meditation in a short time. Whether you choose this or another aid to your meditations, you do need to select a quiet place to meditate which is free of distractions. Lie down or sit and get comfortable, keeping your thoughts positive as you relax your body.

In order to reach a meditative state, you need to completely relax your mind and your body. If thoughts about your everyday life intrude, just acknowledge their presence - and quickly move past them to clear your mind. This can take some practice, but if you are willing to dedicate some time to meditation, you will soon learn - and you can start to learn about your previous lives.

Using past life regression techniques can also assist you in dealing with problems you have in the present day. Many people find that they have had the same people around them in more than one lifetime; the past may hold clues to managing interpersonal relationships in the present.

Reincarnation is an important part of many religions around the world. The idea of Karma found in Buddhism, Jainism and the Hindu and Sikh traditions is one which anyone interested in past lives will want to think about. The actions you take in your life determine what your next life will be like, for better or worse. Being able to learn from your past lives allows you to make your current one better.

Regression has to be done with an open mind to the possibilities the practice opens up. You need to be willing to take in what comes to you and open to learning from your past mistakes to change your current life for the better.

There are many experts in this field who say that a regression experience can be an excellent way to clear away emotional problems and remove mental blocks which prevent people from fulfilling their true potential.

Once you are able to face up to mistakes you may have made in a past life, you have the opportunity to avoid repeating these mistakes. This information can help you to improve your life and make your world a better place.

Another benefit of regression is that you may, as have many others, discover a talent you never knew you had! Seeing yourself doing something in a past life may be a clue to a talent you need only to bring out of its latent state to share with the world.

There are many benefits which past life regression has to offer to anyone whose mind is open to the possibility that they have led other lives before. For those who are willing to listen, the past has much to teach us.

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