Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Is The Point Of Past Life Regression Therapy?

By David Cootes

When it comes to improving your life and working on yourself as an individual, life regression therapy is actually something that more and more people are starting to use. Past life regression therapy is not some new age technique that's designed to help you revert back to your old ways, but exactly the opposite.

Past life regression therapy is discovering a new way of looking at who you are by remembering who you were in a past life, and discovering how to use this knowledge to help yourself. You can do this through a variety of meditations, and the benefits of using past life regression therapy are without number.

Using a Journal With Past Life Regression

The first tool to use in your past life regression therapy is a journal. This isn't a simple list of what you ate yesterday, or what you wore last week to the office, or even a place to keep track of your spending. This journal is more complex, more demanding, and requires that you be open and honest with yourself and who you truly are.

Begin your past life regression therapy journal by making a list of the events of the day and your thoughts and emotions that those events inspired. How did you resolve the issues that were raised by those events? But in order for this journal to work for you, you have to be open and honest with yourself about your true thoughts and emotions, as these are the clues that will help you discover your past life.

In addition, recording emotions and thoughts about your daily activities will also help you to decipher patterns about yourself. You can use these visible patterns to change your personality and attributes about yourself that you don't like.

Past Life Regression Therapy Meditations

The most difficult tool to learn to use in your past life regression therapy is meditation. It requires a great deal of you, and demands that you trust yourself, and learn to find inner serenity.

Some of ways to get started with meditation techniques include using an audio CD or DVD with a meditation exercise, guided imagery recordings, or meditative music that will quiet your mind and thoughts. Remember that using meditation correctly takes a lot of patience and perseverance, but once you get the hang of it the process becomes pretty easily.

Through meditation, your thoughts should be able to wander to what's important in your life, how you feel about relationships, friends, and work life. After meditation, you can perhaps record these thoughts into your journal as well so you'll remember your thoughts and feelings.

The Rewards of Past Life Regression Therapy

There are many benefits to be gained from past life regression therapy. When you look back at your past and compare it with who you are today, you can find greater understanding. This therapy can help you discover how you truly feel about something, and uncover thoughts and emotions you might not have been aware of. It will also allow your subconscious the ability to help you unlock your true potential.

Past life regression therapy can also help you with those issues that have been plaguing your life. Relationships with a father or mother, sibling or even children can be fraught with emotions; emotions you may be unaware of until you sit down to take a look at them through the journal and meditation exercises.

All in all, a greater understanding of yourself and your ability to change is what you'll achieve through life regression therapy. By examining yourself through the years and making observations about your inner self, your attitudes, thoughts, and personality will improve for the better.

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